Article: The all for one pyramid (
Ik hou ervan hoe er in dit artikel de aandacht gevestigd wordt op wat er zou moeten gebeuren 'behind the scenes'. In een ministry is enkel het topje van de ijsberg zichtbaar, en daar wordt vaak hartstochtelijk naar toegewerkt om dat mooi in orde te krijgen. Maar hetgene wat er vaak echt toe doet om een succesvolle ministry te krijgen gebeurt 'behind the scenes'. Maar hoe vaak dat dat onderschat wordt! In dit artikel wordt het toegepast op jeugdbediening (het wordt verder praktisch uitgewerkt op de website )
The majority of an iceberg cannot be seen as 90% of its mass lies below the waterline. The unseen share is actually what forms the shape that is visible. In reality, if the structure below the waterline falls apart, the 10% that is noticed fails to exist.
Over the last few decades, the church has placed more emphasis on the seen than the unseen. Success has been measured more by how well youth ministry was prepared, programmed, and presented since those areas tend to be tangible and easier to quantify. As a result, the efforts needed to produce youth in ministry have severely suffered as the context of youth in ministry gave way to content for youth ministry.
The following diagram is based upon Luke 5:1-11 and describes how the All for One principles apply to producing youth in ministry.
ABOVE the waterline is where young leaders spend their time in ministry.
ABOVE the waterline includes: prepare, program, and present. Those items are reserved exclusively to be done to youth, for youth, and by youth.
BELOW the waterline is where adult leaders spend their time in ministry.
As young people step forward to make plans and lead kingdom causes, adults work behind the scenes to make sure they are truly cared for and set up for greater success as youth in ministry. The “tip of the iceberg” for people to see is a generation of youth learning life in community, discovering their unique role in ministry, and transforming their world for Jesus Christ.
The majority of an iceberg cannot be seen as 90% of its mass lies below the waterline. The unseen share is actually what forms the shape that is visible. In reality, if the structure below the waterline falls apart, the 10% that is noticed fails to exist.
Over the last few decades, the church has placed more emphasis on the seen than the unseen. Success has been measured more by how well youth ministry was prepared, programmed, and presented since those areas tend to be tangible and easier to quantify. As a result, the efforts needed to produce youth in ministry have severely suffered as the context of youth in ministry gave way to content for youth ministry.
The following diagram is based upon Luke 5:1-11 and describes how the All for One principles apply to producing youth in ministry.
ABOVE the waterline is where young leaders spend their time in ministry.
ABOVE the waterline includes: prepare, program, and present. Those items are reserved exclusively to be done to youth, for youth, and by youth.

BELOW the waterline includes: equip, encourage, and empower, rally, resource, and release, and believe, belong, and become. These principles go beyond the surface of the situation to the real depth of discipleship.
BELOW the waterline might be what Jesus is talking about when He tells His disciples to “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” (Luke 5:3-5).
BELOW the waterline takes great effort but also reaps the real reward for which Jesus has called us to fish.
BELOW the waterline produces the “catch” Jesus intended and requires a greater effort by a larger team of committed adult leaders.
As young people step forward to make plans and lead kingdom causes, adults work behind the scenes to make sure they are truly cared for and set up for greater success as youth in ministry. The “tip of the iceberg” for people to see is a generation of youth learning life in community, discovering their unique role in ministry, and transforming their world for Jesus Christ.
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